Dominican Republic

Dominican shield

Publications Schedule

# Report Name Sector Content Currency Periodicity Lag
1 Montly External Debt Service Evolution NFPS External debt service evolution, disbursements, payments made in the period. USD Monthly 20 Days
2 Montly Domestic Debt Service Evolution CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Domestic debt service evolution, disbursements, payments made in the period. USD Monthly 20 Days
3 External Financing Budgetary Execution NFPS External financing resources stated in the National Budget and the execution (disbursements) in the period, by institution. USD/RD$ Monthly 20 Days
4 Domestic Financing Budgetary Execution CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Domestic financing resources stated in the National Budget and the execution (disbursements) in the period, by institution. USD/RD$ Monthly 20 Days
5 Auctions Results CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Auctions results: allocated amounts, yields and prices. RD$ Monthly 1 Day
6 Public Debt Stock- Evolution1/ NFPS Debt stock at the beginning of the year, disbursements and debt service evolution in the period and the debt stock at the end of the period. USD Monthly 20 Days
7 Public Debt Stock2/ NFPS Debt Stock at end period, by debtor, creditor, currency, interest type and maturity. USD Quarterly 45 Days
8 Quarterly Debt Reports NFPS Stock and quarterly evolution of the public debt. USD/RD$ Quarterly 45 Days
9 External Bonds Issues (Situation) NFPS General Information of the external bond issuances and it’s debt service projections for the current year and the following three (3) years. USD Monthly 20 Days
10 Domestic Bonds Issues (Situation) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT General Information of the domestic bond issuances and it's debt service projections for the current year and the following three (3) years. RD$ Monthly 20 Days
11 External Debt Service Projections NFPS Debt Service for current year and the following five (5) years. USD Semi-Annual 90 Days
12 Central Government Domestic Debt Service Projections CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Debt Service for current year and the following five (5) years. RD$ Semi-Annual 90 Days
13 Borrowings Data Query NFPS Detailed information of each outstanding instrument, as the creditor name, debt source and type, the amount contracted, the currency, the outstanding balance at the last quarter reported, among other information. USD Quarterly 30 Days
14 Financing Plan CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Financing needs and issuance strategy of external and domestic debt of the central government. USD/RD$ Anual February
  1. Monthly Public Debt Stock Evolution published 20 days after month ends.
  2. Corresponds to the Quarterly Public Debt Stock Evolution, which involve a detailed validation and reconciliation process, for which the publication will be made 45 days after the end of the quarter.


Public Debt Strategy

Capital Market


Risk Management

